My Fave Sewing Tools Right Now

My Fave Sewing Tools Right Now

I hope you have had a lovely few days and that Father Christmas brought you all the goodies you asked for?

I have been doing quite a bit of sewing even in this busy month and I have been reaching for some tools over and over so I thought I would share them with you and record them to remind myself how much I loved them.

  • Multi marking chalk pencil - This is great if you work with lots of different coloured fabrics like I do as it has multiple colours in one pencil, also it is an excellent fine led so you can make detailed markings.
  • Glue pen - I had never used one of these before I worked on Sewing Quarter but I have been using them ever since I find when I am sewing craft projects using a small hem for something like appliqué or EPP it is just like a little helping hand to hold things in place.
  • Sewing Gauge - this little guy is super helpful when I sit at my sewing machine, and my tape measure is on the other side of the room. I keep it on my machine so I can grab it when I need to check a seam or a hem when I'm in the middle of a complicated piece of sewing.
  • Pattern curve - Being a plus size babe I often need to alter patterns, not just to make them bigger but to make all kinds of adjustments and this is the best tool I have found to help me do that.
  • Tweezer bodkin - a tweezer bodkin is my favourite kind, it's not too bulky, and you can use it with all different sizes and types of elastic and tapes when threading. I also like that you can use it for turning through ties and rouleau loops (as long as they aren't too small)
  • Hera marker - This is another thing I have picked up from my quilting friends it is an excellent tool for marking hems without actually scoring, and it gives you a crease to stitch in to on both sides of the fabric at the same time. There are cheaper alternatives out there, but I like the Clover brand one as it is sturdy and never catches the fabric.

I would love to know if you like these tools too and if you have a favourite sewing or craft tool that you couldn't sew without.

Sammy xxx

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