Sunday Chill Vol2 Christmas

Sunday Chill Vol2 Christmas


When this is published it will be New Year's Eve, a remarkable night in so many ways and unremarkable in just as many. For me, it will mean spending time with my Husband and parents watching tv and eating 'indoor bbq' food.

In the past, I have spent with friends in London, New York, and Edinborough, and in what feels like another life, it would have been with a bunch of people in a very loud nightclub. I couldn't be happier that I have had all those 'New Years Eve' experiences in my life and that they are part of my past. My excitement now is not for the prospect of the night before but the morning after. January 1st is what I am looking forward to celebrating this year.

My last three months of this year have been about letting go, that is hard for me to say, it was even harder for me to do and it is still not over. Letting go of being a hoarder, of not just things but of emotional baggage and the weight of responsibility that I had put upon myself has been one of the hardest tasks I have ever undertaken. I only knew that it was something that had to happen to move forward into the future.

I have given myself the task of taking time for myself every week this year, Sundays are my day to do what I please, and I couldn't be happier about it. Today, which is Christmas Eve for me, I have been making my house look pretty for Christmas Day, so a little gentle cleaning and tidying, some food prepping and adding a few last decorations around the place. It was a struggle to not rush around like a mad woman cleaning every inch of our home but it made a lot of difference to my level of stress, and the same amount of stuff got done I didn't end the day feeling exhausted.

So I am happy to report that my Sunday chill was a success. I hope that I can keep up with the relaxing in the new year, I think it will be so helpful for my mental health as much as my physical.

I hope that you all have a fab Christmas if that is your bag, and I wish you all the best for the new year. Thank you for all the support I have already had on this new blog and all of you that have signed up for 'Signs of the Sewdiac' so far, it means the world to me!

Happy Sunday

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